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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dear Bloggers,
I hope you are thinking what the person is tat I really hate.

Here's a riddle, if you can solve it, then you will know who my hatest person was:

I etiruovaf Social Studies lesson.

Melodie Star

Dear Bloggers,
This is a song abt Witch Doctor by Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Here is the song:

Melodie Star

Dear Bloggers,
This is a song abt "Bad Day" by Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Here is the song:

Melodie Star

Dear Bloggers,
Have you heard this song"Lucky" before by Britney Spears?

Here is the song:

With Regards,
Melodie Star

Dear Bloggers,
Have You heard hope has wings before?

Here is the song:

Melodie Star

Dear Bloggers,

Have you waych Alvin and the Chipmunks? They are very cute!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you think of the movie if you have watched?????

Here are some pics:

With Regards,
Melodie Star

Dear Girls Bloggers,

Do you like flowers?
I like. they are very beautiful!

Here are some pics:

With Regards,
Melodie Star

Dear Bloggers,

I love my is just tat I think they are trying to avoid me.......... I feel sad, very sad.

What can i do without my friends? Why do they always do this to me????


I think these are my real friends.....

With regards,

Melodie Star

Dear Bloggers,
I have a lot of friends. they always support me but except for someone............
Never Mind!

With Regards,
Melodie Star

Dear Bloggers,
This is my first time blogging! I hope you can give me some comments or tips on how to blog.
So please giv some comments.

First time ever,
Melodie Star